Seminars Sorted by Series
Special Seminar
Towards a Global Langlands Correspondence Over Function Fields
In my talk I will describe our joint work with David Kazhdan on
the global Langlands correspondence over function fields for
arbitrary split reductive groups. Our main result asserts that for
every pair $(\pi,\omega)$, where $\pi$ is a cuspidal...
Affine Tangles and Irreducible Exotic Sheaves
Rina Anno
We construct a weak representation of the category of framed
affine tangles on a disjoint union of triangulated categories
$D_n$. The categories we use are that of coherent sheaves on
Springer fibers over a nilpotent element of $SL(2n)$ with
A Gentle Introduction to Derived Algebraic Geometry
This will be a relaxed, very elementary introduction to the
central ideas and applications of derived algebraic geometry. My
objective is to describe the Artin-Lurie Representability Theorem,
and to give a number of interesting examples.
Introduction to Non-Abelian p-Adic Hodge Theory
This is the first in a series of (probably) three talks whose
goal is to understand Faltings’ paper "A p-adic Simpson
correspondence". Roughly speaking, this is a correspondence between
Higgs bundles over a smooth proper curve X over the field of
The aim of this talk is to introduce some of the technologies
used in derived algebraic geometry. Beginning with an explanation
of the notion of infinity-groupoid, I will develop the notion of
infinity-categories. I will discuss the relationship...
Introduction to Non-Abelian p-Adic Hodge Theory (continued)
Arithmetic Invariants of Discrete Langlands Parameters
B. Gross
Let G be a reductive algebraic group over a local field k .
Hiraga, Ichino and Ikeda have recently proposed a general
conjecture for the formal degree of a discrete series
representation of G(k) , using special values of the adjoint
L-function and...
Kazhdan-Lusztig Equivalence Between Quantum Groups and Affine Algebras Via Factorizable Sheaves
Introduction to Non-Abelian Hodge Theory (continued)
Joyce Invariants for K3 Surfaces and Mock Theta Functions
So Okada
Opers with Irregular Singularities and Spectra of the Quantum Shift of Argument Subalgebra
Hypertoric Varieties and Koszul Duality
Ben Webster
Quasi-Coxeter Algebras, Dynkin Diagram Cohomology and Quantum Weyl Groups
Valerio Toledano-Laredo
Unipotent Classes and Special Weyl Groups Representations
Crystal Structures on (Some) Global Nilpotent Cones
An Introduction to the Statistical Mechanics of Random Band Matrices
Tom Spencer
Spectral properties of random band matrices can be expressed in
terms certain statistical mechanics models. Some of these models
are generalizations of the Ising model except that the spins belong
the the Poincare superdisc and there is...
Hall Algebras and Quantum Frobenius
An Introduction to the Statistical Mechanics of Random Band Matrices (continued)
Tom Spencer
Spectral properties of random band matrices can be expressed in
terms certain statistical mechanics models. Some of these models
are generalizations of the Ising model except that the spins belong
the the Poincare superdisc and there is...
Strange Duality on Moduli of Sheaves on Curves and Surfaces
Equivariant Cohomology of Laumon's Quasiflags Spaces and the Quantum Calogero-Moser Hamiltonian
Andrei Negut
We will introduce certain operators A(m) on the equivariant
cohomology ring of the Laumon quasiflags spaces M_d . The character
of A(m) will be equal to the generating function Z(m) of the
integrals of the Chern polynomial of the tangent bundle of...
The Formation of Black Holes in General Relativity
Demetrois Christodoulou
Higher Order Elliptic Problems in Non-Smooth Domains
We discuss sharp regularity results for the solutions of the
polyharmonic equation in an arbitrary open set. Then we introduce
an appropriate notion of capacity which allows to describe the
precise correlation between the smoothness of the solution...
Spectral Edge Statistics of Random Band and Sparse Matrices
Alexander Sodin
We discuss the distribution of the extreme eigenvalues for
several classes of large (N X N) Hermitian random matrices. For a
class of sparse matrices, the distribution is approximately
Tracy--Widom. For band matrices with band width W(N) , the...
Berkovich Spaces as Pro-Definable Spaces
Francois Loeser
Cybersecurity, Mathematics, and Limits on Technology
Mathematics has contributed immensely to the development of
secure cryptosystems and protocols. Yet our networks are terribly
insecure, and we are constantly threatened with the prospect of
imminent doom. Furthermore, even though such warnings have...
Nodal Lines of Random Waves
M. Sodin
In the talk, I will describe recent attempts to understand the
mysterious and beautiful geometry of nodal lines of random
spherical harmonics and of random plane waves. If time permits, I
will also discuss asymptotic statistical topology of other...
Mathematical Foundations of Population Genetics
Mechanizing the Odd Order Theorem: Local Analysis
Georges Gonthier
Abstract: In addition to formal definitions and theorems,
mathematical theories also contain clever, context-sensitive
notations, usage conventions, and proof methods. To mechanize
advanced mathematical results it is essential to capture these
Uniqueness of Enhancements for Triangulated Categories
Dmitry Orlov
I am going to talk about triangulated categories in algebra,
geometry and physics and about differential-graded (DG)
enhancements of triangulated categories. I will discuss such
properties of DG enhancements as uniqueness and existing. It can
Limit Theorems for the M\"{o}bius Function and Statistical Mechanics
I will present a recent joint work with Ya.G. Sinai. We
investigate the ``randomness" of the classical Möbius function by
means of a statistical mechanical model for square-free numbers and
we prove some new results, including a non-standard limit...
Infinite Generaton of Non-Cocompact Lattices on Right-Angled Buildings
Anne Thomas
Let Gamma be a non-cocompact lattice on a right-angled building
X. Examples of such X include products of trees, or Bourdon's
building I_{p,q}, which has apartments hyperbolic planes tesselated
by right-angled p-gons and all vertex links the...
Ramanujan Graphs and Siran Graphs, Applications to Classical and Quantum Coding Theory
Jean-Pierre Tillich
We explain in this talk how Ramanujan graphs can be used to
devise optimal cycle codes and review how other graph families
related to a construction proposed by Margulis yield interesting
families of quantum codes with logarithmic minimum distance...
(1) Quantum Beauty; (2) Beauty in Mathematics
(1) Frank Wilczek; (2) Enrico Bombieri
(1) My lecture revolves around a question: Does the world embody
beautiful ideas? That is a question that people have thought about
for a long time. Pythagoras and Plato intuited that the world
should embody beautiful ideas; Newton and Maxwell...
Universality in Mean Curvature Flow Neckpinches
Gang Zhou
This is from joint works with D. Knopf and I. M. Sigal. In this
talk I will present a new strategy in studying neckpinching of mean
curvature flow. Different from previous results, we do not use
backward heat kernel, entropy estimates or subsequent...
Reflection Positivity and Infrared Bounds for Random Loop Models
Daniel Ueltschi
The random loop representations of Toth ('93) and
Aizenman-Nachtergaele ('94) can be extended to describe certain
SU(2)-invariant spin-1 Heisenberg models. Quantum spin correlations
are given in terms of loop correlations. Existence of
The Hypoelliptic Laplacian: An Introduction
Integrable Stochastic Particle Systems and Macdonald Processes
A large class of one dimensional stochastic particle systems are
predicted to share the same universal long-time/large-scale
behavior. By studying certain integrable models within this
(Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) universality class we access what
Families of Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces with Monodromy
Charles Doran
We extend the notion of lattice polarization for K3 surfaces to
families in a way that gives control over the action of monodromy
on the algebraic cycles, and discuss the uses of this new theory in
the study of families of K3 surfaces admitting...
Bordism, QFT, and a topological invariant of certain lattice systems
10:30am|Physics Library, Bloomberg Hall 201
Many features of Wick-rotated field theory are captured by an
axiomatization using bordisms of smooth manifolds. There are many
variations which have been extensively studied, particularly for
conformal and topological field theories. I will give an...
Modulo $p$ representations of reductive $p$-adic groups: functorial properties
Let $F$ be a local field with finite residue characteristic $p$,
let $C$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$, and
let $\mathbf G$ be a connected reductive $F$-group. With Abe,
Henniart, Herzig, we classified irreducible admissible...
Introduction to works of Takuro Mochizuki
I will give examples and motivations, about the local
systems/Higgs bundles correspondence, the case of variations of
Hodge structures and the case of irregular singularities. I hope
this will help to enjoy the forthcoming lectures of T.
Wild harmonic bundles and related topics I
Harmonic bundles are flat bundles equipped with a pluri-harmonic
metric. They are very useful in the study of flat bundles on
complex projective manifolds. Indeed, according to the fundamental
theorem of Corlette, any semisimple flat bundle on a...
Wild harmonic bundles and related topics II
Harmonic bundles are flat bundles equipped with a pluri-harmonic
metric. They are very useful in the study of flat bundles on
complex projective manifolds. Indeed, according to the fundamental
theorem of Corlette, any semisimple flat bundle on a...
How to modify the Langlands' dual group
Let $\mathcal G$ be a split reductive group over a $p$-adic
field $F$, and $G$ the group of its $F$-points.The main insight of
the local Langlands program is that to every irreducible smooth
representation $(\rho, G, V )$ should correspond a...
Diophantine analysis in thin orbits
We will explain how the circle method can be used in the setting
of thin orbits, by sketching the proof (joint with Bourgain) of the
asymptotic local-global principle for Apollonian circle packings.
We will mention extensions of this method due to...
Markoff surfaces and strong approximation
Markoff triples are integer solutions of the equation
$x^2+y^2+z^2 = 3xyz$ which arose in Markoff's spectacular and
fundamental work (1879) on diophantine approximation and has been
henceforth ubiquitous in a tremendous variety of different
Integral points on Markoff-type cubic surfaces
We report on some recent work with Peter Sarnak. For integers
$k$, we consider the affine cubic surfaces $V_k$ given by $M(x) =
x_1^2 + x_2 + x_3^2 − x_1 x_2 x_3 = k$. Then for almost all $k$,
the Hasse Principle holds, namely that $V_k(Z)$ is non...
An asymptotic for the growth of Markoff-Hurwitz tuples
Ryan Ronan
For integer parameters $n \geq 3$, $a \geq 1$, and $k \geq 0$
the Markoff-Hurwitz equation is the diophantine equation \[ x_1^2 +
x_2^2 + \cdots + x_n^2 = ax_1x_2 \cdots x_n + k.\] In this talk, we
establish an asymptotic count for the number of...
Integral points and curves on moduli of local systems
Junho Peter Whang
The classical affine cubic surface of Markoff has a well-known
interpretation as a moduli space for local systems on the
once-punctured torus. We show that the analogous moduli spaces for
general topological surfaces form a rich family of log
Benjamini-Schramm convergence and eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds
Miklos Abert
Let M be a compact manifold with negative curvature. The Quantum
Unique Ergodicity conjecture of Rudnick and Sarnak says that
eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on M get equidistributed as the
eigenvalue tends to infinity. A weaker version, called...