Seminars Sorted by Series
Special Year Seminar
On Local Systems of Geometric Origin
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
I will discuss the following conjecture: an irreducible
$\bar{Q}$$_{\ell}$-local system L on a smooth complex algebraic
variety S arises in cohomology of a family of varieties over S if
and only if L can be extended to an etale local system over...
The Analytic de Rham Stack
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
In this talk, we introduce the analytic de Rham stack for rigid
varieties over $Q_p$ (and more general analytic stacks). This
object is an analytic incarnation of the (algebraic) de Rham stack
of Simpson, and encodes a theory of analytic D-modules...
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Cohomology of classifying space/stack of a group G is the home
which resides all characteristic classes of G-bundles/torsors. In
this talk, we will try to explain some results on Hodge/de Rham
cohomology of BG where G is a $p$-power order...
Mod-p Poincare Duality in p-adic Analytic Geometry
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Etale cohomology of $F_p$-local systems does not behave nicely
on general smooth p-adic rigid-analytic spaces; e.g., the
$F_p$-cohomology of the 1-dimensional closed unit ball is
However, it turns out that the situation is much better
Moduli Stacks of $p$-adic Shtukas and Integral Models of Shimura Varieties
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
The notion of $p$-adic shtukas are introduced by Scholze in his
Berkeley lectures on $p$-adic geometry. They are closely related to
$p$-divisible groups when their ``legs" are bounded by some
minuscule cocharacter. But compared to $p$-divisible...
Motivic Cohomology of Singular Schemes: A Dégustation
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Sen Operators and Lie Algebras Arising From Galois Representations Over $p$-adic Varieties
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Dieudonné Theory via Prismatic F-gauges
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
In this talk, I will first describe how classical Dieudonne
module of finite flat group schemes and $p$-divisible groups can be
recovered from crystalline cohomology of classifying stacks. Then,
I will explain how in mixed characteristics, using...
Motivic Cohomology of Mixed Characteristic Schemes
Tess Bouis
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
I will present a new theory of motivic cohomology for general
(qcqs) schemes. It is related to non-connective algebraic K-theory
via an Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. In particular, it is
non-$A^1$-invariant in general, but it recovers...
Crystals and $q$-Calculus
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
I will present two settings where $q$-De Rham and prismatic
vector bundles can be described in terms of modules over an
appropriate ring of $q$-twisted differential operators and also the
relation with former results.
This is a joint work with...
D-modules on the Fargues-Fontaine Curve
3:30pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Motivated by the desire to express in terms of de Rham data the
pro-étale cohomology with non-trivial $\mathbb{Q}_p$-coefficients
of rigid spaces $X$, defined over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ or $\mathbb{C}_p$,
I will explain how to define D-modules on the...
Atiyah Duality and Applications
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Maxime Ramzi
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Topological Hochschild homology is an important invariant,
closely related to algebraic K-theory, and can be seen as a
noncommutative analogue of de Rham chains.
In this talk, I will describe various computations of the
ring/monoid of endomorphisms...
The $v$-Picard Group of Stein Spaces
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
In this talk, I will present a computation of the image of the
Hodge-Tate logarithm map (defined by Heuer) in the case of smooth
Stein varieties. When the variety is the affine space, Heuer has
proved that this image is equal to the group of closed...
Rationalized Syntomic Cohomology
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
A few years ago, Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze introduced an invariant of
$p$-adic formal schemes called syntomic cohomology, which has a
close relationship to (étale-localized) algebraic $K$-theory. In a
recent paper, Antieau-Mathew-Morrow-Nikolaus showed...
Combinatorial Inequalities and Combinatorial Interpretations: Part I
2:00pm|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5
In the first talk, I will give a broad survey of classical
inequalities that arise in enumerative and algebraic
combinatorics. I will discuss how these inequalities
lead to questions about combinatorial interpretations, and how
these questions...
Combinatorial Inequalities and Combinatorial Interpretations: Part II
In the second talk, I will concentrate on polynomial
inequalities and whether the defect (the difference of two sides)
has a combinatorial interpretation. For example, does the
inequality $x^2+y^2 \geq 2xy$ have a combinatorial
proof and what...
Complete Monotonicity in Scattering Amplitudes
Johannes Henn
2:30pm|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5
Lower Bound Barriers in Complexity Theory and Overcoming Them With Geometry
Joseph Landsberg
Chapter 14 of the classic text "Computational Complexity" by
Arora and Barak is titled "Circuit lower bounds: complexity
theory's Waterloo". I will discuss the lower bound problem in the
context of algebraic complexity where there are barriers...
Tensors of Minimal Border Rank
Joseph Landsberg
A class of tensors, called "concise (m,m,m)-tensors of
minimal border rank", play an important role in proving upper
bounds for the complexity of matrix multiplication. For that reason
Problem 15.2 of "Algebraic Complexity Theory" by Bürgisser...
Tits's Dream: Buildings Over F1 and Combinatorial Flag Varieties
2:30pm|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5
The theme of the lecture is the notion of points over F1, the
field with one element. Several heuristic computations led to
certain expectations on the set of F1-points: for example the Euler
characteristic of a smooth projective complex variety X...
Special Year Seminar I
This will be an expository talk on the structure and
classification of equivariant vector bundles on toric varieties. I
will emphasize Klyachko's classification results from the
1980s and 1990s and discuss more recent re-formulations of
The Mysterious Kronecker Coefficients
11:00am|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5
The Kronecker coefficients of the Symmetric group $S_n$ are the
multiplicities of an irreducible $S_n$ representation in the tensor
product of two other irreducibles. They were introduced in 1938 by
Murnaghan and generalize the beloved Littlewood...
Combinatorial Inequalities and Combinatorial Interpretations: Part III
In the third talk, I will concentrate on inequalities for linear
extensionsof finite posets. I will start with several
inequalities which do have a combinatorial proof. I will then
turn to Stanley's inequality and outline the proof why its
Discrete and Continuous Duality Algebras
Leonid Monin
A classical construction associates a Poincare duality algebra
to a homogeneous polynomial on a vector space. This construction
was used to give a presentation for cohomology rings of complete
smooth toric varieties by Khovanskii and Pukhlikov and...
Complexity of Log-concave Inequalities in Matroids
Swee Hong Chan
A sequence of nonnegative real numbers $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$,
is log-concave if $a_i^2 \geq a_{i-1}a_{i+1}$ for all $i$ ranging
from 2 to $n-1$. Examples of log-concave inequalities range from
inequalities that are readily provable, such as the...
The Schubert Variety of a Pair of Linear Spaces
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
I will motivate the study of the Schubert variety of a pair of
linear spaces via Kempf collapsing of vector bundles. I'll describe
equations defining this variety and how this yields a simplicial
complex determined by a pair of matroids which...
The Moduli Space of Matroids
2:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
Lecture Series Framework: A unifying framework for
F1-geometry, tropical schemes and matroid theory. In this series of
3 lectures, I will present a recent approach towards F1-geometry
and its links to tropical geometry, matroid theory,
Geometric Vertex Decomposition
Vertex decomposition, introduced by Provan and Billera in 1980,
is an inductive strategy for breaking down and understanding
simplicial complexes. A simplicial complex that is vertex
decomposable is shellable, hence Cohen--Macaulay. Through
Standard Monomials for Positroid Varieties
Influential work of Hodge from the 1940s led the way in using
Gröbner bases to combinatorially study the Grassmannian. We follow
Hodge's approach to investigate certain subvarieties of the
Grassmannian, called positroid varieties. Positroid...
Singular Points on Positroid Varieties and Physics Applications
Joseph Fluegemann
We heard last week in Daoji's talk about positroid varieties,
which are subvarieties in the Grassmannian defined by cyclic rank
conditions, and which are related to Schubert varieties. In this
talk, we will provide a criterion for whether positroid...
Introduction to Equivariant Cohomology
Equivariant cohomology was introduced in the 1960s by Borel, and
has been studied by many mathematicians since that time. The
talks will be an introduction to some of this work. We will
focus on torus-equivariant cohomology (as well as
Products of Chern Classes of Matroid Tautological Bundles
In 2008, looking to bound the face vectors of tropical linear
spaces, Speyer introduced the g-invariant of a matroid, defined in
terms of exterior powers of tautological bundles on Grassmannians.
He proved its coefficients nonnegative for matroids...
Algebra for Oscillators: Khovanskii Bases
We will present recent applications of enumerative algebra to
the study of stationary states in physics. Our point of departure
are classical Newtonian differential equations with nonlinear
potential. It turns out that the study of their stationary...
Zonotopal Algebras, Configuration Spaces, and More
We consider the space of configurations of n points in the
three-sphere $S^3$, some of which may coincide and some of which
may not, up to the free and transitive action of $SU(2)$ on $S^3$.
We prove that the cohomology ring with rational...
The Generalized Pitman-Stanley Flow Polytope
In 1999, Pitman and Stanley introduced the polytope bearing
their name along with a study of its faces, lattice points, and
volume. This polytope is well-studied due to its connections to
parking functions, lattice path matroids, generalized...
Introduction to Equivariant K-theory
K-theory arose in the 1950s from Grothendieck’s formulation of
the Riemann-Roch theorem – that is, from attempts to calculate
spaces of sections of vector bundles on a variety X via
intersection theory on X. An equivariant version was
Log-concavity of Polynomials Arising from Equivariant Cohomology
Yairon Cid-Ruiz
A remarkable result of Brändén and Huh tells us that volume
polynomials of projective varieties are Lorentzian polynomials. The
dual notion of covolume polynomials was introduced by Aluffi by
considering the cohomology classes of subvarieties of a...
Incidence Geometry and Tiled Surfaces
Sergey Fomin
We show that various classical theorems of linear incidence
geometry, such as the theorems of Pappus, Desargues, Möbius, and so
on, can be interpreted as special cases of a general result that
involves a tiling of a closed oriented surface by...
Special Year Seminar II
In this talk, I will describe a new definition, joint with Bivas
Khan, for a tropical toric vector bundle on a tropical toric
variety. This builds on the tropicalizations of toric vector
bundles, and can be used to define tropicalizations of
Representations on the Cohomology of the Moduli Space of Pointed Rational Curves
Donggun Lee
The moduli space of pointed rational curves has a natural action
of the symmetric group permuting the marked points. In this
talk, we will present a combinatorial formula for the induced
representation on the cohomology of the moduli space, along...
Scattering Amplitudes, Multi-variate Residues and Valuated Matroids
Multi-variate residues on Grassmannians $G(k,n)$ and moduli
spaces $M_{0,n}$ are ubiquitous in the study of scattering
amplitudes; they provide a powerful and essential tool. Amenable
theories include the biadjoint scalar, NLSM, Yang-Mills,
Mario Kummer
10:00am|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
For an embedded stable curve over the real numbers we introduce
a hyperplane arrangement in the tangent space of the Hilbert
scheme. The connected components of its complement are labeled by
embeddings of the graph of the stable curve to a compact...