Special Year Seminar

Moduli Stacks of $p$-adic Shtukas and Integral Models of Shimura Varieties

The notion of $p$-adic shtukas are introduced by Scholze in his Berkeley lectures on $p$-adic geometry. They are closely related to $p$-divisible groups when their ``legs" are bounded by some minuscule cocharacter. But compared to $p$-divisible groups, their moduli stacks have better geometric properties. Furthermore, these moduli stacks (should) control the integral structure of Shimura varieties at the prime $p$, in the sense of a cartesian diagram conjectured by Scholze. I will explain these ideas, partly based on an ongoing joint work with Daniels, van Hoften and Kim.

Date & Time

December 13, 2023 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm


Simonyi 101 and Remote Access
