Video Lectures

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What is the symplectic analogue of being convex? We shall present different ideas to approach this question. Along the way, we shall present recent joint results with J.Dardennes and J.Zhang on monotone toric domains non-symplectomorphic to convex...

Linear equations in smooth numbers

Lilian Matthiesen

A number is called y-smooth if all of its prime factors are bounded above by y. The set of y-smooth numbers below x forms a sparse subset of the integers below x as soon as x is sufficiently large in terms of y. If f_1, …, f_r \in Z[x_1,…,x_s] is a...

Noetherianity is a fundamental property of modules, rings, and topological spaces that underlies much of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. This talk concerns algebraic structures such as the infinite-dimensional polynomial ring K[x_1,x_2...