Video Lectures

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Ellenberg and Gijswijt drastically improved the best known upper asymptotic bound for the cardinality of a cap set in 2016. Tao introduced the notion of slice rank for tensors and showed that the Ellenberg-Gijswijt proof can be nicely formulated...

Let V be a complex vector space and consider symmetric d-linear forms on V, i.e., linear maps Symd(V)→>C. When V is finite dimensional and d>2, the structure of such forms is very complicated. Somewhat surprisingly, when V has countably infinite...

Several equivalent definitions of rank for matrices yield non-equivalent definitions of rank when generalized to higher order tensors. Understanding the interplay between these different definitions is related to important questions in additive...

Suppose we are given a random rank-r order-3 tensor---that is, an n-by-n-by-n array of numbers that is the sum of r random rank-1 terms---and our goal is to recover the individual rank-1 terms. In principle this decomposition task is possible when r<<n3/2. Is this a fundamental barrier for efficient algorithms?

In recent years, the average-case complexity of various high-dimensional statistical tasks has been resolved in restricted-but-powerful models of computation such as statistical queries, sum-of-squares, or low-degree polynomials. However, the hardness of tensor decomposition has remained elusive, and I will explain what makes this problem difficult. We show the first formal hardness for average-case tensor decomposition: when r>>n3/2, the decomposition task is hard for algorithms that can be expressed as low-degree polynomials in the tensor entries.