Digital Scholarship @IAS
Digital Scholarship can be defined in many different ways. The most often used is that it is the way of making sense of large amounts of data, with great ways to visualize the results, and then making the data and the results available to anyone, as in the commonly used term "open access". It is applicable to all disciplines, and it often involves collaboration not only between disciplines but also between users who may or may not be in the same place. These collaborations bring into play a new form of inquiry and the openness of new methodologies and it is why it is referred to as the scholarship of the 21st century. In many cases it will require to think "outside the box" in all the stages of a project and in doing so be open to embrace new tools, technologies and possibilities. It accelerates the pace of research, especially when across disciplines and the scholarly work has a global reach.
Our scholars, Faculty, Members and Visitors, come from varied fields represented in the four schools that comprise the Institute, Historical Studies, Math, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences but they share a common trait and that is transmission of information. Finding ways of making their work known and available is a necessity and top priority. Because of the transient nature of our scholars it is our hope to be able to offer orientation, assistance and resources to anyone who has a project that can be benefited from the processes of shaping and strategy of gathering and processing the data that are associated with digital scholarship. We cannot do this alone so we would like to invite you to join us in this endeavour. We might not have all the answers right away but we will do our best to obtain them. Let's have a conversation and see if the advantages and technologies used in digital scholarship can be of use and benefit to your scholarly inquiry.