Video Lectures

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We ask the question, “how does the infinite q-Pochhammer symbol transform under modular transformations?” and connect the answer to that question to the Stark conjectures. The infinite q-Pochhammer symbol transforms by a generalized factor of...

The Analytic de Rham Stack

Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo

In this talk, we introduce the analytic de Rham stack for rigid varieties over Qp

 (and more general analytic stacks). This object is an analytic incarnation of the (algebraic) de Rham stack of Simpson, and encodes a theory of analytic D-modules...

How to Form a Habitable Planet

Meredith MacGregor

Planets form from disks of dust and gas surrounding young stars.  As they grow, these new planets inherit their chemical composition from the surrounding material and then sculpt it through gravitational interactions to form gaps and other...