Video Lectures

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Concinnitas Exhibit and Discussion

Enrico Bombieri, Freeman Dyson, Robbert Dijkgraaf, Dan Rockmore

Concinnitas is a collection of ten aquatints curated by Dan Rockmore and produced from the contributions of ten mathematicians and physicists in response to the prompt to transcribe their “most beautiful mathematical expression.” In this video from 2015, Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director and Leon Levy Professor, moderates a talk and Q&A with two contributors to Concinnitas, Enrico Bombieri and Freeman Dyson, as well as the portfolio curator, Dan Rockmore.

Geometric techniques in knot theory

Jessica S. Purcell
We will discuss methods of decomposing knot and link complements into polyhedra. Using hyperbolic geometry, angled structures, and normal surface theory, we analyze geometric and topological properties of knots and links.
I will describe several old and new applications of topological and algebraic methods in the derivation of combinatorial results. In all of them the proofs provide no efficient solutions for the corresponding algorithmic problems. Finding such...