Video Lectures

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In this series of two talks we will discuss Weinstein structures endowed with a Lefschetz fibration in terms of the Legendrian front projection. The main focus is on Weinstein manifolds which admit a Weinstein Lefschetz fibration with an $A_k$-fibre...
I will describe some work in progress (maybe more accurately, wild speculation) regarding a version of the derived Fukaya category for contact 1-jet spaces $J^1(X)$. This category is built from Legendrian submanifolds equipped with augmentations...
We show that the bipartite perfect matching problem is in $\textrm{quasi-}\textsf{NC}^2$. That is, it has uniform circuits of quasi-polynomial size and $O(\log^2 n)$ depth. Previously, only an exponential upper bound was known on the size of such...