Video Lectures

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Counting Galois representations

Frank Calegari
One of the main ideas that comes up in the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is a way of "counting" 2-dimensional Galois representations over $\mathbb Q$ with certain prescribed properties. We discuss the problem of counting other types of Galois...
Let $n > 1$. Given two maps of an $n$-dimensional sphere into Euclidean $2n$-space with disjoint images, there is a $\mathbb Z/2$ valued linking number given by the homotopy class of the corresponding Gauss map. We prove, under some restrictions on...

Dependent random choice

Jacob Fox
We describe a simple yet surprisingly powerful probabilistic technique that shows how to find, in a dense graph, a large subset of vertices in which all (or almost all) small subsets have many common neighbors. Recently, this technique has had...