This is the first event of a webinar series. For additional
details visit IAS Ethiopian
Studies Series.
Convenors: Suzanne Akbari (IAS), Aaron Butts (CUA/IAS), Samantha L.
Kelly (Rutgers U/IAS), Sabine Schmidtke (IAS)
This is the first event of a webinar series. For additional
details visit IAS Ethiopian
Studies Series.
Convenors: Suzanne Akbari (IAS), Aaron Butts (CUA/IAS), Samantha L.
Kelly (Rutgers U/IAS), Sabine Schmidtke (IAS)
This is the first event of a webinar series. For additional
details visit IAS Ethiopian
Studies Series.
Convenors: Suzanne Akbari (IAS), Aaron Butts (CUA/IAS), Samantha L.
Kelly (Rutgers U/IAS), Sabine Schmidtke (IAS)
Ethiopia has a long and complex history with Jews and Judaism.
Perhaps most constitutive of the connection between the two is an
Ethiopian tradition according to which the favor of the God of
Israel, along with the ark of the covenant, was...
It’s been a fantastic decade for black hole studies, highlighted
by the 2017 and 2020 Nobel Prizes in Physics. Multiple Galactic
Center research groups, the Event Horizon Telescope, and LIGO/Virgo
continue to bring rapid-fire new observations to...
We construct an explicit isomorphism between certain truncations
of quiver Hecke algebras and Elias-Williamson's diagrammatic
endomorphism algebras of Bott-Samelson bimodules. As a corollary,
we deduce that the decomposition numbers of these...
The Picard group of the stable module category of a finite group
plays a role in many parts of modular representation theory. It was
calculated when the group is an abelian p-group, by pioneering work
of Dade in the 1970's, and a classification for...
We explain an equivalence of categories between a module
category of quiver Hecke algebras associated with the Kronecker
quiver and a category of equivariant perverse coherent sheaves on
the nilpotent cone of type A. This provides a link between