We will comment on wormholes for the off-diagonal components of
the density matrix of Hawking radiation. Then we will discuss work
in progress on a simple model in which small effects associated
with unitarity of time evolution may be related to...
The quest to build and probe toy models of quantum gravity in
table-top experiments presents a new frontier for the field of
quantum simulation. One challenge is to simulate fast scrambling of
quantum information in black holes, for which a key...
We start by describing how generalized symmetries in QFT arise
in the violation of elementary properties that appear when we
associate algebras to regions in QFT. This observation provides a
new perspective/proof of the abelian nature of generalized...
I will discuss recent progress in understanding quantum gravity
amplitudes (partition function, boundary correlation functions and
multiboundary amplitudes) in Liouville gravity, and how they limit
to Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) amplitudes. I will...
A recent line of work has focused on the following question: Can
one prove strong unconditional lower bounds on the number of
samples needed for learning under memory constraints? We study an
extractor-based approach to proving such bounds for a...
We will discuss recent developments of the theory of
a-contraction with shifts to study the stability of discontinuous
solutions of systems of equations modeling inviscid compressible
flows, like the compressible Euler equation.
Low-dimensional topology and geometry have many problems with an
easy formulation, but a hard solution. Despite our intuitive
feeling that these problems are "hard", lower or upper bounds on
algorithmic complexity are known only for some of them...
Could quantum circuit complexity have physical ramifications? In
the context of AdS/CFT, Susskind has suggested that it might, as
circuit complexity could be the CFT dual to AdS wormhole volume.
Here we explore this proposal using cryptographic...
I will discuss real-time path integrals in gravitational
theories. As applications we will describe the general structure of
replica wormhole saddles and the effective dynamics of open quantum
systems with long-term memory.
In recent work, it was argued that quantum computations with
inputs and outputs distributed in spacetime, or quantum tasks,
impose constraints on entanglement in holographic theories. The
resulting constraint was named the connected wedge theorem...