In the first half of the talk, I will review the notion of
non-invertible symmetries and how they help us to analyze certain
strongly coupled QFTs like 2d Adjoint QCD. Then, I discuss the
representation theory of non-invertible symmetries and use
Astronomical observations indicate that coherent, dynamically
important magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the Universe. However,
neither the origin problem -- what are the physical mechanisms that
generate the initial ``seed'' magnetic fields —- nor...
A primary scientific outcome of the Apollo program was the giant
impact theory for lunar origin, in which a collision at the end of
Earth’s main accretionary phase creates a disk from which the Moon
forms. In the past decade, the nature of a Moon...
Conformal blocks are fundamental objects in the conformal
bootstrap program of 2D conformal field theory and are closely
related to four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory.
In this talk, I will demonstrate a probabilistic construction of
Gravity plays the central role in structure formation and
evolution in astronomical scales. Despite the apparently simple
inverse square law for the gravitational force in the
non-relativistic regime, the dynamics of self-gravitating
Millimeter-wave surveys of the sky have the potential for
yielding a wealth of information about our universe from the first
instants of its existence to our own solar system. I will describe
how modern measurements of the cosmic microwave...