Video Lectures

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Expander graphs are graphs which simultaneously are both sparse and highly connected. The theory of expander graphs received a lot of attention in the past half a century, from both computer science and mathematics. In recent years, a new theory of...

Non-constructive existence proofs, which establish the existence of objects without furnishing an efficient algorithm to produce examples, abound in mathematics. How hard is it, computationally, to find objects whose existence is guaranteed non...

The purpose of this talk is to explore how Lagrangian Floer homology groups change under (non-Hamiltonian) symplectic isotopies on a (negatively) monotone symplectic manifold (M,ω)(M,ω) satisfying a strong non-degeneracy condition. More precisely...

A recent result of Becker, Lubotzky and Thom characterizes, for amenable groups, permutation stability in terms of co-soficity of invariant random subgroups (IRS). We will explain that for a class of amenable groups acting on rooted trees, including...