Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (CSDM)

Chernoff-type bounds study concentration of sums of independent random variables and are extremely useful in various settings. In many settings, the random variables may not be completely independent but only have limited independence. One such...
The Erdos-Rado sunflower conjecture is one of the tantalizing open problems in combinatorics. In my talk, I will describe several attempts on how to get improved bounds for it. These will lead to surprising connections with several other...

The Unique-Games Conjecture is a central open problem in the field of PCP’s (Probabilistically Checkable Proofs) and hardness of approximation, implying tight inapproximability results for wide class of optimization problems.

We will discuss PCPs...

2-universality of random graphs.

Gal Kronenberg
For a family of graphs F, a graph G is F-universal if G contains every graph in F as a (not necessarily induced) subgraph. A natural candidate to serve as universal graph G is the random graph G(n,p). In this case, we want to find an optimal p for...
A graph G is called a small set expander if any small set of vertices contains only a small fraction of the edges adjacent to it. This talk is mainly concerned with the investigation of small set expansion on the Grassmann Graphs, a study that was...