Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (CSDM)

The emerging theory of High-Dimensional Expansion suggests a number of inherently different notions to quantify expansion of simplicial complexes. We will talk about the notion of local spectral expansion, that plays a key role in recent advances in...

Lorentzian polynomials link continuous convex analysis and discrete convex analysis via tropical geometry. The class of Lorentzian polynomials contains homogeneous stable polynomials as well as volume polynomials of convex bodies and projective...

Non-commutative rank

Visu Makam

A linear matrix is a matrix whose entries are linear forms in some indeterminates $t_1,\dots, t_m$ with coefficients in some field $F$. The commutative rank of a linear matrix is obtained by interpreting it as a matrix with entries in the function...

Near-Optimal Strong Dispersers

Dean Doron

Randomness dispersers are an important tool in the theory of pseudorandomness, with numerous applications. In this talk, we will consider one-bit strong dispersers and show their connection to erasure list-decodable codes and Ramsey graphs.


What is the largest number of projections onto k coordinates guaranteed in every family of m binary vectors of length n? This fundamental question is intimately connected to important topics and results in combinatorics and computer science (Turan...

An invitation to tensor networks

Michael Walter

Tensor networks describe high-dimensional tensors as the contraction of a network (or graph) of low-dimensional tensors. Many interesting tensor can be succinctly represented in this fashion -- from many-body ground states in quantum physics to the...