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AI Policy and Governance Working Group

Recent, rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to improve the lives of many people across the world. These same developments have also highlighted the harms and risks posed by AI systems and tools, and the need for innovative policy and governance to address these challenges. 

Calls for effective, agile governance to ensure that AI systems and tools are developed and used responsibly have come from many quarters, including from researchers, industry, policymakers, civil society, and the public. These varying perspectives suggest a continuum of proximate and future areas of concern, including bias and discrimination, destabilization of the employment sector and in worker experience, security vulnerabilities, sustainability issues, the erosion of democracy and public trust, catastrophic outcomes, and more.

Members of the AI Policy and Governance Working Group (AIPGWG) represents a mix of sectors, disciplines, perspectives, and approaches. Despite these differences, we agree that both present-day harms and neglected risks on the horizon warrant urgent attention in order to fulfill the public’s legitimate expectation of safety and respect for their rights. We also agree that it is not only possible but necessary to address the multitude of concerns raised by the expanding use of artificial intelligence systems and tools and their increasing power. We recommend actionable policy solutions.