calendar dates

Physics Calendar

The Physics calendar contains High Energy Theory events hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University. A condensed version of the calendar is sent to the general Physics mailing list on Friday afternoons. Reminder emails are sent the morning of the event. If you are a local faculty member, postdoc or graduate student and would like to be added to the general Physics mailing list, please contact Lisa Fleischer,


Princeton University High Energy Theory Seminar

Black Hole Mimickers: BPS Case Study
Yoav Zigdon
2:30pm|Jadwin Hall, 4th Floor, PCTS Room 407

Abstract: Type II string theory has BPS brane bound states that carry two charges. I will show that their microcanonical ensemble average corresponds to a spherical black hole mimicker, which possesses a long throat, shares the same asymptotic data...


Princeton University Gravity Initiative Spring Seminar Series

On Singularity Resolution at a Geometric UV Scale
Arvin Shahbazi-Moghaddam
12:30pm|Jadwin Hall, Princeton Gravity Initiative, 4th Floor

Abstract: A remarkable feature of general relativity is the presence of spacetime singularities. One of the central aims of a complete theory of (quantum) gravity is to resolve these singularities. In this talk, I will describe ongoing work—building...


IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

Kinematic Flow and the Emergence of Time
Guilherme Pimentel
2:30pm|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS) & Zoom

Abstract: I will start with a broad overview of the theory of initial conditions of the universe, what we know and what we hope to know in the near future.

Then I will describe some recent work. Motivated by precision calculations in primordial...


IAS Amplitudes Group Meeting

Searching for Light Bosons with Black Hole Superradiance
Gimmy Tomaselli
2:30pm|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Princeton University PCTS Workshop

Advancing the Frontier of Kagome Materials
8:00am|407 Jadwin Hall, 4th Floor, PCTS Seminar Room

Organizers:B. Andrei Bernevig, Dumitru Calugaru, Miguel Concalves, M. Zahid Hasan, Shafayat Hossain, Biao Lian, Titus Neupert, Leslie M. Schoop

This workshop is in person only. We are not Zooming nor recording the talks. All information is on the...


Princeton University PCTS Workshop

Advancing the Frontier of Kagome Materials
8:00am|407 Jadwin Hall, 4th Floor, PCTS Seminar Room

Organizers:B. Andrei Bernevig, Dumitru Calugaru, Miguel Concalves, M. Zahid Hasan, Shafayat Hossain, Biao Lian, Titus Neupert, Leslie M. Schoop

This workshop is in person only. We are not Zooming nor recording the talks. All information is on the...


Princeton University PCTS Workshop

Advancing the Frontier of Kagome Materials
8:00am|407 Jadwin Hall, 4th Floor, PCTS Seminar Room

Organizers:B. Andrei Bernevig, Dumitru Calugaru, Miguel Concalves, M. Zahid Hasan, Shafayat Hossain, Biao Lian, Titus Neupert, Leslie M. Schoop

This workshop is in person only. We are not Zooming nor recording the talks. All information is on the...


IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

No Stone Unturned: A Comprehensive Approach to New Physics Searches at Colliders
Cari Cesarotti
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS) & Zoom

Abstract: Despite the undeniable success of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics remains elusive. In this talk, I will outline a multifaceted strategy to maximize discovery potential at current and future high...


IAS Amplitudes Group Meeting

Bootstrapping the String Spectrum and Amplitudes
Grant Remmen
2:30pm|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Abstract: What is the mathematical question about the S-matrix to which string amplitudes are the answer? In this talk, I will show that both the four-point Veneziano and Virasoro-Shaprio amplitudes, along with the string spectrum itself, are the...