Astrophysics Seminars


Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Beyond the Perfect Machine
Tim de Zeeuw
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
The European Southern Observatory is an intergovernmental organization for astronomy, created in 1962 by Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands, and today has 13 member states. Headquarters are located in Garching near Munich. ESO's...

Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar

A Simple Theory of Hydrogen Shocks
11:30am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
Shock waves are generic phenomena that are ubiquitous in Nature across a wide range of physical parameters. I highlight recent work done on hydrogen shocks by beginning with a brief, non-exhaustive review for the purpose of introducing jargon. I...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Galactic Disks
Ken Freeman
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
I will discuss some of the issues about galactic disks which are still not well understood. These issues include the structure and chemical evolution of disks, disk heating, stellar moving groups, thick disks, bar formation, bulges, the...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar - NOTE SPECIAL DAY

The Massive Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way
Reinhard Genzel
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
Evidence has been accumulating for several decades that many galaxies harbor central mass concentrations that may be in the form of black holes with masses between a few million to a few billion time the mass of the Sun. I will discuss measurements...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

How Cold Is Cold Dark Matter: dSph Galaxies as Cosmological Probes
Gerry Gilmore
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
The Galactic satellite dSph galaxies are the most dark matter dominated, the smallest, and the lowest luminosity galaxies known. They may well be the first bound objects. Recently we have discovered many, and quantified their structure, and...