Astrophysics Seminars


Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar

Understanding Local and Global Influences on the Galaxy Population
Nelson Padilla
11:30am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
Reports on the detection of local and global modulations of star formation in galaxies are reviewed and compared to results from semi-analytic models. The latter are used for the following main objectives, i) to study the expected extent of the...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Analysis of Comet Samples Returned by the Stardust Mission New Insight into the Origin of Comets and Crystalline Silicates in Disks
Don Brownlee
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
Stardust, the NASA comet sample return mission, obtained thousands of particles from comet Wild 2. Detailed laboratory study of this material from a body that formed beyond Neptune is providing new insight into the origin of comets and crystalline...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Galaxy Evolution Over the Last Two-Thirds of Cosmic Time
Sandra Faber
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
Major surveys have now thoroughly sampled the galaxy population at redshifts below z ~ 1.4. This talk will summarize broadly what has been learned about galaxy evolution over these epochs, focussing on results from DEEP2 and Sloan. The main...

Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar - NOTE TIME CHANGE

Stellar Dynamics Near Massive Black Holes: Young Stars, Hypervelocity Stars and Gravitational Wave Sources
Hagai Perets
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
A massive black hole resides in the center of most, perhaps all galaxies. The one in the center of our home galaxy, the Milky Way, provides a uniquely accessible laboratory for studying in detail the connections and interactions between a massive...

Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar

Chasing High-Magnification Microlensing Events to Hunt for Extrasolar Planets: Discoveries, Surprises and Challenges
11:30am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
For a decade, high-magnification microlensing events have been theoretically anticipated as an important way to discover extrasolar planets. However, only in the last several years have they been firmly established as a crucial venue of microlensing...