Astrophysics Seminars


Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar

A Sinister Universe: Chromo-Natural Inflation and Magnetic Drift
Peter Adshead
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall, Astrophysics Library
ABSTRACT: I will describe a new, generic mechanism for realizing a period of slowly-rolling inflation through the use of an analog of 'magnetic drift.' I will focus on a particular realization of this mechanism - Chromo-Natural Inflation - which...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Quasars Probing Quasars
Jason X. Prochaska
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
ABSTRACT: I will discuss the Quasars Probing Quasars survey which is a spectroscopic campaign of close, z>2 quasar pairs discovered in SDSS, BOSS, and dedicated follow-up programs. Emphasis of this talk will be on using these pairs to study the...

Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar

Planetary Accretion and the Rapid Development of Habitability
Lindy Elkins-Tanton
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall, Astrophysics Library
ABSTRACT: The final stages of the growth of a planet consist of violently energetic impacts, but new observations of the Moon and Mercury indicate that the energy of accretion does not remove all the water and carbon from the growing planet. Models...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Making Moons (and Why Venus has None)
David Stevenson
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
ABSTRACT: This talk will be in two parts. The first will be a general summary of why, when and how planets might be expected to have companions (one or more moons or even a large binary companion). The second part will focus on giant impacts as a...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

The Effects and Importance of Galaxy Merging in a Cosmological Context
Eric Bell
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
Mergers between dark matter halos, and the galaxies in them, are a central feature of Lambda CDM. In this talk, I explore the role of galaxy merging in setting the properties of galaxies, in particular the properties of non-star forming (quiescent)...

Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

Cusps, Cores and Baryons: Or How Cold Dark Matter Is the Worst Model of Galaxy Formation, Except for All the Others
Fabio Governato
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics Library
I will show results from cosmological simulations of galaxy formation where repeated gas outflows remove low angular momentum gas and transfer energy to the DM. This process solves three long lasting problems in galaxy formation: the...