4d Chern-Simons Theory and a Stringy Point of View on the Bethe/Gauge Correspondence for Superspin Chains

I will discuss ongoing work about a string theoretic perspective on the 2d Bethe/Gauge correspondence of Nekrasov-Shatashvili. In this work, we focus on gl(M|N) spin chains. We show that the two sides of the correspondence, the integrable spin chain and the 2d gauge theory, can be constructed using branes in two frames that are related by some sequence of string dualities. We use a brane construction of 4d Chern-Simons theory with Lie super group gauge symmetry to create the spin chain in terms of Wilson lines. By applying certain duality transformations we arrive at the brane construction of the dual 2d N=(2,2) gauge theory.



Member, School of Natural Sciences, IAS