IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

Muon colliders offer a unique path to multi-TeV, high-luminosity lepton collisions. Muon collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 10 TeV or above would offer significant discovery potential where the constituent collision energies exceed those of...

Matroids are combinatorial abstractions of the notion of linear independence. They are one of the main objects studied in the current special year in the School of Mathematics. I will talk about a notion of scattering amplitudes for matroids. It is...

I will discuss dilaton gravity with a sine potential, where periodic shifts of the dilaton (that leave the potential invariant) are treated as a redundancy. Most things I will say hold true for generic periodic potentials, but the sine potential is...

We analyze a model of qubits which we argue has an emergent quantum gravitational description similar to the fermionic Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. The model we consider is known as the quantum $q$-spin model because it features $q$-local...

Candidate de Sitter Vacua

Richard Nally

We construct compactifications of type IIB string theory that yield, at leading order in the α ′ α ′ and g s g s expansions, de Sitter vacua of the form envisioned by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde, and Trivedi. We specify explicit Calabi-Yau orientifolds...