Abstract: A sharp definition of what
“adiabatic” means is given; it is then shown that the
time-dependent expectation value of a quantum-mechanical observable
in the adiabatic limit can be expressed— in many cases—by means of
the appropriate Berry...
Abstract: String theory offers a unique
perspective on concrete questions about the nature of quantum
gravity. I will review how such questions can be formulated in
terms of the string theory S-matrix at high energies. Attempts to
sharpen the S...
Abstract: The detection of Gravitational Waves
(GWs) from binary black hole coalescences offers a powerful tool
for exploring the strong-field regime of General Relativity (GR).
To ensure the reliability of these tests, it is essential to
Abstract: The Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation
describes the high-energy growth of gauge theory scattering
amplitudes and the nonlinear saturation effects that stop it. In
this talk, I will elaborate on a new framework to derive loop
corrections to...
Abstract: Muon colliders offer a unique path to
multi-TeV, high-luminosity lepton collisions. Muon collisions with
a center-of-mass energy of 10 TeV or above would offer significant
discovery potential where the constituent collision energies
Abstract: Some of the most fascinating
phenomena in nature arise when electrons behave as quantum
mechanical waves that interact with one another. But how can we
visualize these electronic waves in action? In this talk, I will
introduce the Quantum...
In this talk I will do three things. First, I will outline the
conditions under which the interaction rate of inelastic
processes with a system consisting of N targets scales as N^2.
Second, I will present computations of interaction rates for...