
PU High Energy Theory Seminar

March 22, 2024 | 11:00am - 12:15pm

Abstract: In gauge theories with fundamental matter, such as QCD, there is typically no sharp way to distinguish confining and Higgs regimes because there are no suitable order parameters.  It is standard lore that these two regimes are continuously...

Abstract: In the original CPT theorem one is restricted to flat space and is unable to make converse statements. In this talk I will show how we can reformulate the CPT theorem using a symmetry argument and generalise it to beyond flat space. This...

Abstract: I will discuss ongoing work on understanding the algebra of gravitationally-dressed observables and generalized entropy in generic spacetimes. Special attention will be paid to spacetimes that underwent an inflationary era in the far past...

IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

March 11, 2024 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Abstract: I will describe the one-loop partition function for strings propagating on AdS3 geometries with NS-NS flux (for generic values of AdS radius in string units). The essential ingredients that go into this analysis have been known for a while...

IAS Amplitudes Group Meeting

March 05, 2024 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Abstract: In this work we attempt to understand the analytic structure of amplitudes in theories with broken Lorentz invariance. To this end, we use as an example a UV complete model for relativistic superfluids - a complex scalar theory with...

PU High Energy Theory Seminar

March 04, 2024 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Abstract: For backgrounds with known exact worldsheet theory descriptions, ordinary string perturbation theory can be employed to study observables such as spectrum and scattering. However, the majority of interesting string backgrounds, including...