
Abstract: Recently it has been shown that black holes decohere quantum superpositions in their exterior, and suggested that this may be of fundamental importance for their quantum description [arXiv:2205.06279, arXiv:2301.00026, arXiv:2311.11461]. ...

IAS Physics Group Meeting

April 03, 2024 | 11:00am - 12:15pm

Abstract: Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) consist of a set of regularly monitored millisecond pulsars with extremely stable rotational periods. The arrival time of pulses can be altered by the passage of gravitational waves (GWs) between them and the...

Princeton University Dark Cosmos Seminar

April 02, 2024 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Abstract: Stellar streams, the tidal remnants of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies orbiting throughout the Milky Way’s halo, are some of the most powerful tools in the study of near-field cosmology. In particular, they are sensitive probes of the...

PU High Energy Theory Seminar

April 01, 2024 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Abstract: In this talk, I will review a simple derivation of an integral kernel formula for the partition function of T Tbar deformed CFT based on the holographic single trace T Tbar deformation and its generalization to J Tbar and J Jbar...

IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

March 29, 2024 | 11:00am - 12:15pm

Abstract: Holographic tensor networks model AdS/CFT, but so far they have been limited by involving only systems that are very different from gravity. Unfortunately, we cannot straightforwardly discretize gravity to incorporate it, because that...

IAS CMP/QFT Group Meeting

March 25, 2024 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Abstract: Driven systems can exhibit new behaviors beyond what is possible in equilibrium. We focus on non-dissipative dynamics of free fermions in disordered systems, starting with one-dimensional drives with chiral symmetry. Eigenstates of...