Special Year 2005-06: Lie Groups, Representations and Discrete Mathematics - Seminar

We will show how self-similar groups H(k) generated by finite automata can be related to Hanoi Tower games on k=3,4,... pegs. Then we will consider the spectrum of a Schreier graph of Hanoi Group H(3), will show that the group is of branch type, and...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

December 02, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

Ideal classes in (totally real) number fields give naturally rise to compact orbits inside SL(n,Z)\SL(n,R) for the diagonal subgroup. We will discuss their (equi-)distribution properties as the field varies, and the two main ideas in our approach...

For a discrete group G and a finite subset X of G, let K(G, X) denote the Kazhdan constant of G associated to X. We define the uniform Kazhdan constant of G by K(G) = min { K(G,X) | X is finite and generates G }. Obviously K(G)>0 for any finite...

The talk will be introductory. We will first explain what Kac-Moody groups are. These groups are defined by generators and relations, but they are better understood via their actions on buildings. The involved class of buildings is interesting since...

Consider an affine building of type $A_n$-tilde, which is a simplicial compex of dimension $n$. For $n=1$, this is a tree, which we will require to be homogeneous. Consider the space of complex valued functions on the vertices of the building, and...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

November 04, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

We will describe some recent ergodic theorems for general families of averages on semisimple Lie groups, and explain how they can be used to 1) Solve the lattice point counting problem for general domains in the group, with explicit estimate of the...

Consider an affine building of type $A_n$-tilde, which is a simplicial compex of dimension $n$. For $n=1$, this is a tree, which we will require to be homogeneous. Consider the space of complex valued functions on the vertices of the building, and...