Special Year 2005-06: Lie Groups, Representations and Discrete Mathematics - Seminar

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

February 17, 2006 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

I will describe recent joint work with Janos Pintz and Cem Yildirim on small gaps between primes and primes in tuples. Perhaps the most surprising result is that if the primes have level of distributed in arithmetic progressions greater than 1/2...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

January 27, 2006 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Given a higher rank arithmetic group (E.g. SL(3,Z)) it has r(n) complex irreducible representations of degree n. We will study the the rate of growth of r(n), the associated zeta function SUM(r(n)n^(-s)), its Euler factorisation etc. Some...

Closed subgroups of the automorphism group of a tree which acts locally primitively have a rich structure theory. Combined with superrigidity for irreducible lattices in products of trees such that the projection in each factor is locally primitive...

I will discuss a proof of the fact that given a finite dimensional division algebra D over an arbitrary field, any finite quotient of the multiplicative group D^* is solvable (joint work with Y.Segev and G.Seitz). Time permitting, I will also talk...