Special Year 2005-06: Lie Groups, Representations and Discrete Mathematics - Seminar

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

October 28, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

I will explain a conjectural generalisation of Ihara's lemma in the theory of modular forms to higher dimensional automorphic forms and sketch how this conjecture implies the Sato-Tate conjecture for rational elliptic curves with somewhere...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

October 14, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

I will discuss the following theme: starting with an a priori Diophantine result (typical flavour: integer solutions to such-and-such equation are well-spaced) and turning it into an equidistribution-type statement on a homogeneous space. This (in...

Ramanujan graphs are grphs with optimal bounds on their eigenvalues. They play an important role in combinatorics and computer science. Their constructions in the late 80's used the work of Deligne and Drinfeld proving the Ramanujan conjecture for...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

September 30, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

A celebrated result of Waldspurger provides a relation between Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms and the central value of L-functions of the associated Shimura lift (which is a modular form of integral weight). This has a...

Arithmetic Homogeneous Spaces

September 23, 2005 | 11:00am - 12:30pm

We use the recent developments of Jacquet in order to obtain an explicit expression for a compact unitary period of certain automorphic form on GL(n) in terms of special values of L-functions. Jacquet obtains a characterization of the image of...