Watch Lectures from the Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Conference

The life and work of Vladimir Voevodsky was celebrated with a 4-day conference at the Institute for Advanced Study from September 11–14, 2018, bringing together experts from the fields he helped to shape. Videos of lectures by experts from around the world, on topics including Voevodsky's univalence principle, homotopy type theory, K-theory, perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions, and motivic theories, may be viewed in the video playlist below.
Speakers include:
Robbert Dijkgraaf - Director, Institute for Advanced Study
Daniel Grayson - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Institute for Advanced Study
Pierre Deligne - Institute for Advanced Study
Fabien Morel - Mathematisches Institut der Universität München
André Joyal - Université du Québec à Montréal
George Shabat - Russian State University for the Humanities
Benedikt Ahrens - University of Birmingham
Emily Riehl - Johns Hopkins University
Alexander Merkurjev - University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander Vishik - The University of Nottingham
Michael Shulman - University of San Diego
Michael Hopkins - Harvard University
Claire Voisin - Collège de France
Eric Friedlander - University of Southern California
Daniel Licata - Wesleyan University
Inna Zakharevich - Cornell University
Joseph Ayoub - University of Zurich
Mikhail Kapranov - Kavli IPMU, and Institute for Advanced Study
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Thierry Coquand
Daniel Grayson
Marc N. Levine
Chuck Weibel