Video Lectures

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Delta-matroids are "type B" or "type C" analogues of matroids. I will discuss how to extend a geometric construction related to matroids to delta-matroids. Using this construction, we prove the ultra log-concavity of the number of independent sets...

Tropical Quiver Representations

Victoria Schleis

Grassmannians and flag varieties are important moduli spaces in algebraic geometry. Quiver Grassmannians are generalizations of these spaces arise in representation theory as the moduli spaces of quiver subrepresentations. These represent...

Relative symplectic cohomology, an invariant of subsets in a symplectic manifold, was recently introduced by Varolgunes. In this talk, I will present a generalization of this invariant to pairs of subsets, which shares similar properties with the...

In this talk, I will first review previous works on matroid representations initiated by Tutte in 1958, generalized by Dress and Wenzel in the 1980s, and refined by Baker, Bowler, and Lorscheid more recently using the language of F1-algebra. It...