Video Lectures

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A popular practical method of obtaining a good estimate of the error rate of a learning algorithm is k-fold cross-validation. Here, the set of examples is first partitioned into k equal-sized folds. Each fold acts as a test set for evaluating...

Ramification in Iwasawa Modules

Chandrashekar Khare

Iwasawa developed his theory for class groups in towers of cyclotomic fields partly in analogy with Weil's theory of curves over finite fields. In this talk, we present another such conjectural analogy. It seems intertwined with Leopoldt's...

A knot is simply a tangled loop in ordinary three-dimensional space, such as often causes us frustration in everyday life. Knots are also the subject of a rather rich mathematical theory. In the last three decades, it has unexpectedly turned out...

Colouring Tournaments

Paul Seymour

A ``tournament'' is a digraph obtained from a complete graph by directing its edges, and ``colouring'' a tournament means partitioning its vertex set into acyclic subsets (``acyclic'' means the subdigraph induced on the subset has no directed cycles...