Results concerning rigidity of Lagrangian submanifolds lie at
the heart of symplectic topology, and have been intensively studied
since the 1990s. An example for this phenomenon is the concept of
Lagrangian Barriers, a form of symplectic rigidity...
Strong spatial mixing (SSM) is an important and widely studied
quantitative notion of "correlation decay" for a variety of natural
distributions arising in statistical physics, probability theory,
and theoretical computer science. One of the most...
A smooth, oriented n-manifold is called a homotopy sphere if it
is homeomorphic, but not necessarily diffeomorphic, to the standard
n-sphere. In dimensions n>4
, one often studies the group Θn of homotopy spheres up to
Given a grid diagram for a knot or link in the three-sphere, we
construct a spectrum whose homology is the knot Floer homology of .
We conjecture that the homotopy type of the spectrum is an
invariant of . Our construction does not use holomorphic...
In joint work in progress with Anschütz and Le Bras we aim to
construct a 6-functor formalism for quasicoherent sheaves on the
relative Fargues-Fontaine curve over rigid-analytic varieties (and
even general v-stacks), providing new insights into the...
The recent work of Drinfeld and Bhatt-Lurie led to a new
geometric approach to p-adic cohomology theories, analogously to
what was done earlier in Hodge theory by Simpson. This stacky
perspective gives in particular a new approach to p-adic non...
With every bounded prism Bhatt and Scholze associated a
cohomology theory of formal p-adic schemes. The prismatic
cohomology comes equipped with the Nygaard filtration and the
Frobenius endomorphism. The Bhatt-Scholze construction has
been advanced...
I will talk about (very much in progress) joint work with Mark
Kisin on a Hodge—Newton style inequality for the mod p Breuil—Kisin
modules arising from crystalline Galois representations.
The minimal model program for 3-folds has been developed only in
characteristics p greater than or equal to 5. A key difficulty at
small primes is that the singularities occurring in the minimal
model program need not be Cohen-Macaulay, as they are...