For a topological dynamical systems (T, X) and a fixed $x \in X$
we are interested in the distribution of prime and semi-prime
orbits, i.e. ${T px}p='$ and ${T p1p2 x}p1,p2='$. We are interested
in systems for which the related sequences of...
Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Topic:
Abelian varieties not isogenous to Jacobians Speaker: Jacob
Tsimerman Affiliation: University of Toronto Date: December 01,
2021 Katz and Oort raised the following question: Given an...
How does the dimension of the first cohomology grow in a tower
of covering spaces? After a tour of examples of behaviors for
low-dimensional spaces, I will focus on arithmetic manifolds.
Specifically, for towers of complex hyperbolic manifolds, I...
Given the current knowledge of complex representations of finite
simple groups, obtaining good upper bounds for their characters
values is still a difficult problem, a satisfactory solution of
which would have significant implications in a number of...
In an ongoing project of D. Ben-Zvi, Y. Sakellaridis and A.
Venkatesh, the authors propose a conjectural generalization of the
derived Satake equivalence for complex reductive groups to
spherical varieties. I will describe a program aimed at...
Wall-crossing functors on the principal block of
category OO give an action of the (finite) Hecke
category. If one knows enough about the Hecke category, one can
deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures from the existence of this
action. This is a...
Over the last decades, following works around the Pila-Wilkie
counting theorem in the context of o-minimality, there has been a
surge in interest around functional transcendence results, in part
due to their connection with special points...