In math, one often studies random aspects of deterministic
systems and structures. In CS, one often tries to efficiently
create structures and systems with specific random-like properties.
Recent work has shown many connections between these two...
In these lectures we will describe the relationship between
optimal transportation and nonlinear elliptic PDE of Monge-Ampere
type, focusing on recent advances in characterizing costs and
domains for which the Monge...
The "P vs. NP" problem is a central outstanding problem of
computer science and mathematics. In this talk, Professor Wigderson
attempts to describe its technical, scientific, and philosophical
content, its status, and the implications of its two...
After recalling the definition of Q-curvature and some
applications, we will address the question of prescribing it
through a conformal deformation of the metric. We will address some
compactness issues, treated via...