Video Lectures

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The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...

Halo Formation for CDM Models

Christiano Porciani
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...

Orthogonal Polynomials for Bias

Vincent Desjacques
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...

Overview - RS

Ravi Sheth
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...