Video Lectures

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The Ramsey number of a graph $G$ is the minimum integer $n$ for which every edge-coloring of the complete graph on $n$ vertices with two colors contains a monochromatic copy of $G$. A graph is $d$-degenerate if all its subgraphs have a vertex of...
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...

Overview - US

Uros Seljak
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...

Modelling the 1H Term

Frank van den Bosch
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...

Emulating Non-Linear Clustering

Jeremy Tinker
The interpretation of low-redshift galaxy surveys is more complicated than the interpretation of CMB temperature anisotropies. First, the matter distribution evolves nonlinearly at low redshift, limiting the use of perturbative methods. Secondly, we...