I will describe the phenomenology of stellar basins: volumetric
stellar emission into gravitationally bound orbits of weakly
coupled particles such as axions, moduli, hidden photons, and
fermions. While only a tiny fraction of the instantaneous...
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration has recently
published the first image of the near-horizon region around the
supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, Sgr
A*. In addition to providing new constraints on general...
Following the collision of two compact objects, an accretion
disk forms and from it matter is ejected that sources the
universe's heavy elements and that is observable as a kilonova. The
amount of ejecta, the types of elements that form, and the...
We will discuss the price of the quantum error correcting codes,
defined as the number of physical qubits needed to reconstruct
whether a given operator has been acted upon the thermal state or
not. By thinking about reconstruction via quantum...
Modern theoretical investigations into the nature of spacetime
are revealing that quantum entanglement plays a crucial role for
resolving several long standing puzzles. Black holes have been
central to these investigations. Quantum models for black...
Close binaries are the origin of many extraordinary events in
the Universe, including type Ia supernovae and gravitational wave
events. On the other extreme, wide binaries are easily disrupted by
gravitational perturbations, making them a unique...
We study collisions of localized shockwaves behind the horizon
of the eternal AdS black hole. We give a holographic boundary
description in terms of the overlap of two growing perturbations in
a shared quantum circuit. Due to a competition between...
The identity of dark matter remains a mystery, despite decades
of theorizing and detection efforts. This includes the mechanism
for its primordial production, its interactions with itself or with
visible matter, and the very nature of dark matter...
We study Chern-Simons theories at large N with either bosonic or
fermionic matter in the fundamental representation. The most
fundamental operators in these theories are mesonic line operators,
the simplest example being Wilson lines ending on...
We discuss emergent type III1 von Neumann algebraic structures
in the large N limit of certain class of quantum field theories. We
show that this is important for understanding various aspects of
bulk physics in the AdS/CFT duality, including...