With every bounded prism Bhatt and Scholze associated a
cohomology theory of formal p-adic schemes. The prismatic
cohomology comes equipped with the Nygaard filtration and the
Frobenius endomorphism. The Bhatt-Scholze construction has been
Random restrictions are a powerful tool used to study the
complexity of boolean functions. Various classes of boolean
circuits are known to simplify under random restrictions. A prime
example of this, discovered by Subbotovskaya more than 60
Let K be a finite extension of Qp. The Emerton-Gee stack for GL2
is a stack of etale (phi, Gamma)-modules of rank two. Its reduced
part, X, is an algebraic stack of finite type over a finite field,
and can be viewed as a moduli stack of two...
It is well known that all contact 3-manifolds can be obtained
from the standard contact structure on the 3-sphere by contact
surgery on a Legendrian link. Hence, an interesting and much
studied question asks what properties are preserved under...
In this talk, I will present the following two connections
between private optimization and statistical physics, both via the
problem of approximating a given covariance matrix with a low-rank