The Bernstein center plays a role in the representation theory
of locally profinite groups analogous to that played by the center
of the group ring in the representation theory of finite groups.
When F is a finite extension of Q_p, we discuss...
A "sparsifier" of a graph is a weighted subgraph for which every
cut has approximately the same value as the original graph, up to a
factor of (1 +/- eps). Sparsifiers were first studied by Benczur
and Karger (1996). They have wide-ranging...
Let Gamma be a non-cocompact lattice on a right-angled building
X. Examples of such X include products of trees, or Bourdon's
building I_{p,q}, which has apartments hyperbolic planes tesselated
by right-angled p-gons and all vertex...
Recursive Majority-of-three (3-Maj) is a deceptively simple
problem in the study of randomized decision tree complexity. The
precise complexity of this problem is unknown, while that of the
similarly defined Recursive NAND tree is completely...