Video Lectures

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A fractal uncertainty principle (FUP) roughly says that a 
function and its Fourier transform cannot both be concentrated on a 
fractal set. These were introduced to harmonic analysis in order to 
prove new results in quantum chaos: if eigenfunctions...

Cohomology of classifying space/stack of a group G is the home which resides all characteristic classes of G-bundles/torsors. In this talk, we will try to explain some results on Hodge/de Rham cohomology of BG where G is a p-power order commutative...

Consider a function on Rn that can be written as a sum of functions f=f1 + f2 + ... + fm, for m greater than n.

The question of approximating f by a reweighted sum using only a small number of summands has many applications in CS theory, mathematical...