We explain in this talk how Ramanujan graphs can be used to
devise optimal cycle codes and review how other graph families
related to a construction proposed by Margulis yield interesting
families of quantum codes with logarithmic minimum distance...
The families of motives of the title arise from classical
one-variable hypergeometric functions. This talk will focus on the
calculation of their corresponding L-functions both in theory and
in practice. These L-functions provide a fairly wide...
In FT-mollification, one smooths a function while maintaining
good quantitative control on high-order derivatives. This is a
continuation of my talk from last week, and I will continue to
describe this approach and show how it can be used to show...
The braid group on n strands may be viewed as an infinite analog
of the symmetric group on n elements with additional topological
phenomena. It appears in several areas of mathematics, physics and
computer sciences, including knot theory...
In 1964 Arnold constructed an example of instabilities for
nearly integrable systems and conjectured that generically this
phenomenon takes place.
There has been big progress attacking this conjecture in the past
decade. Jointly with Ke Zhang we...