In this seminar I will discuss the details of the result that
knottedness is in NP assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis.
The main part of the work is to properly understand Koiran's
construction that solvability of a system of algebraic...
This talk will be a partial survey of the first questions in the
complexity theory of geometric topology problems. What is the
complexity, or what are known complexity bounds, for distinguishing
n-manifolds for various n? For distinguishing knots...
For GL(2) over Q_p, the p-adic Langlands correspondence is
available in its full glory, and has had astounding applications to
Fontaine-Mazur, for instance. In higher rank, not much is known.
Breuil and Schneider put forward a conjecture, which...
Organizers: Laszlo Lovasz, Balazs Szegedy, Kati Vesztergombi and Avi Wigderson
One of the unexpecting emerging interactions between seemingly
distant areas in mathematics is between graph theory and analysis.
One such link is the theory of continuous limits of discrete
structures. This theory has applications in computer...