Fluctuations of the current of one dimensional non equilibrium
diffusive systems are well understood. After a short review of the
one dimensional results, the talk will try to show that the
statistics of these fluctuations are exactly the same in...
Finding cliques in random graphs and the closely related
"planted" clique variant, where a clique of size k is planted in a
random G(n,1/2) graph, have been the focus of substantial study in
algorithm design. Despite much effort, the best known...
In this talk I will describe nondeterministic reductions which
yield new direct product theorems (DPTs) for Boolean circuits. In
our theorems one assumes that a function F is "mildly hard" against
*nondeterministic* circuits of some size s(n) , and...
In many distributed systems, the cost of computation is
dominated by the cost of communication between the machines
participating in the computation. Communication complexity is
therefore a very useful tool in understanding distributed
A continuous representation of a profinite group induces a
continuous pseudorepresentation, where a pseudorepresentation is
the data of the
characteristic polynomial coefficients. We discuss the geometry of
the resulting map from the moduli formal...
I present a new, fully anisotropic, criterion for formation of
trapped surfaces in vacuum obtained in collaboration with J. Luk
and I. Rodnianski. We provide conditions on null data, concentrated
in a neighborhood of a short null geodesic segment...
We study algorithms for combinatorial market design problems,
where a collection of objects are priced and sold to potential
buyers subject to equilibrium constraints. We introduce the notion
of a combinatorial Walrasian equilibium (CWE) as a...