An isolated quantum many-body system may be a reservoir that
thermalizes its constituents. I will explore an example of the
interplay of this thermalization and spontaneous symmetry-breaking,
in the ferromagnetic phase of an infinite-range quantum...
Motivated by questions in Social Choice Theory I will consider
the following extremal problem in Combinatorial Geometry. Call a
sequence of vectors of length n with −1, 1 entries feasible if it
contains a subset whose sum is positive in more than n...
The goal of (general-purpose) program obfuscation is to make an
arbitrary computer program "unintelligible" while preserving its
functionality. The problem of program obfuscation is well studied
both in theory and in practice. Though despite its...
Our goal is to explain how certain basic representation
theoretic ideas and constructions encapsulated in the form of
Macdonald processes lead to nontrivial asymptotic results in
various `integrable'; probabilistic problems. Examples include
Our goal is to explain how certain basic representation
theoretic ideas and constructions encapsulated in the form of
Macdonald processes lead to nontrivial asymptotic results in
various `integrable'; probabilistic problems. Examples include
In this lecture, I will talk about moment based SDP hierarchies
(which are duals of SOS relaxations for polynomial optimization) in
the context of graph partitioning. The focus will be on a certain
way of rounding such hierarchies, whose quality is...
For a permutation p, let Sn(p) be the number of permutations on
n letters avoiding p. Stanley and Wilf conjectured that, for each
permutation p, Sn(p)1/n tends to a finite limit L(p). Marcus and
Tardos proved the Stanley-Wilf conjecture by a...