Birkhoff sections have been invented... by Poincaré in his work
on celestial mechanics. Birkhoff made an extensive use of this
concept in dynamical systems. Sometimes, one can find surfaces
transverse to the trajectories of a vector field in a 3...
We will review some interactions between random matrix theory
and distributions of zeroes of L-functions in families (the
Katz-Sarnak philosophy) before presenting some recent results
(joint with Dorian Goldfeld) in the higher rank setting. We
I discuss a renormalization group method to derive diffusion
from time reversible quantum or classical microscopic dynamics. I
start with the problem of return to equilibrium and derivation of
Brownian motion for a quantum particle interacting with...
The quantum random energy model is a random matrix of
Schroedinger type: a Laplacian on the hypercube plus a random
potential. It features in various contexts from mathematical
biology to quantum information theory as well as an
Classical matrix perturbation bounds, such as Weyl (for
eigenvalues) and David-Kahan (for eigenvectors) have, for a long
time, been playing an important role in various areas: numerical
analysis, combinatorics, theoretical computer science...
We discuss the classical and non-commutative geometry of wire
systems which are the complement of triply periodic surfaces. We
consider a C∗-geometry that models their electronic properties. In
the presence of an ambient magnetic field, the relevant...
We consider the problem of defining cylindrical contact
homology, in the absence of contractible Reeb orbits, using
"classical" methods. The main technical difficulty is failure of
transversality of multiply covered cylinders. One can fix
I will begin with a brief introduction to the deformation theory
of Galois representations and its role in modularity lifting. This
will motivate the study of local deformation rings and more
specifically flat deformation rings. I will then discuss...
We develop spectral theory for the generator of the q-Boson
particle system. Our central result is a Plancherel type
isomorphism theorem for this system; it implies completeness of the
Bethe ansatz in infinite volume and enables us to solve
In the early 1960's Dyson and Mehta found that the CSE relates
to the COE. I'll discuss generalizations as well as other settings
in random matrix theory in which β relates to 4/β.