Video Lectures

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I will review some aspects of many-body Anderson localization. Many-body localized systems have a type of integrable Hamiltonian, with an extensive set of operators that are localized in real-space that each commute with the Hamiltonian. The...
We introduce a new family of robust semiparametric methods for analyzing large, complex, and noisy datasets. Our method is based on the transelliptical distribution family which assumes that the variables follow an elliptical distribution after a...
We compute new families of time-periodic and quasi-periodic solutions of the free-surface Euler equations involving extreme standing waves and collisions of traveling waves of various types. A Floquet analysis shows that many of the new solutions...
How many arithmetic operations does it take to multiply two square matrices? This question has captured the imagination of computer scientists ever since Strassen showed in 1969 that \(O(n^{2.81})\) operations suffice. We survey the classical theory...