Video Lectures

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Generation I Planets

Yanqin Wu

A large number of close-in super-Earths have now been discovered. These planets are most likely formed while the proto-planetary disks are still alive, hence the title of this talk. I will report some recent observational results, regarding their...


Theo Johnson-Freyd

I will describe my work, all joint with D. Gaiotto and some also joint with E. Witten, to understand the homotopy type of the space of (1+1)d N=(0,1) SQFTs --- what a condensed matter theorist would call "phases" of SQFTs. Our motivating hypothesis...

The PCP theorem says that any mathematical proof can be written in a special "PCP" format such that it can be verified, with arbitrarily high probability, by sampling only a few symbols in the proof. Hence the name, Probabilistically Checkable...