Video Lectures

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In this talk I will describe a topological approach to some problems about algebraic functions due to Klein and Hilbert. As a sample application of these methods, I will explain the solution to the following problem of Felix Klein: Let $\Phi_{g,n}$...

Given a polynomial in one variable, what is the simplest formula for the roots in terms of the coefficients? Hilbert conjectured that for polynomials of degree 6,7 and 8, any formula must involve functions of at least 2, 3 and 4 variables...

The First Law of Complexity

Alice Bernamonti

Please Note: This workshop is not open to the general public, but only to active researchers.

This workshop will focus on quantum aspects of black holes, focusing on applying ideas from quantum information theory.

This meeting is sponsored by the "It...

Please Note: This workshop is not open to the general public, but only to active researchers.

This workshop will focus on quantum aspects of black holes, focusing on applying ideas from quantum information theory.

This meeting is sponsored by the "It...