Video Lectures

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What is the largest number of projections onto k coordinates guaranteed in every family of m binary vectors of length n? This fundamental question is intimately connected to important topics and results in combinatorics and computer science (Turan...

Distribution of the integral points on quadrics

Naser Talebi Zadeh Sardari
Motivated by questions in computer science, we consider the problem of approximating local points (real or p-adic points) on the unit sphere S^d optimally by the projection of the integral points lying on R*S^d, where R^2 is an integer. We present...

An invitation to tensor networks

Michael Walter

Tensor networks describe high-dimensional tensors as the contraction of a network (or graph) of low-dimensional tensors. Many interesting tensor can be succinctly represented in this fashion -- from many-body ground states in quantum physics to the...