Video Lectures

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Shai Shalev-Shwartz

Deep learning has led to rapid progress in open problems of artificial intelligence—recognizing images, playing Go, driving cars, automating translation between languages—and has triggered a new gold rush in the tech sector. But some scientists...

Deep learning has led to rapid progress in open problems of artificial intelligence—recognizing images, playing Go, driving cars, automating translation between languages—and has triggered a new gold rush in the tech sector. But some scientists...
Deep learning has led to rapid progress in open problems of artificial intelligence—recognizing images, playing Go, driving cars, automating translation between languages—and has triggered a new gold rush in the tech sector. But some scientists...
Deep learning has led to rapid progress in open problems of artificial intelligence—recognizing images, playing Go, driving cars, automating translation between languages—and has triggered a new gold rush in the tech sector. But some scientists...

Lorentzian polynomials link continuous convex analysis and discrete convex analysis via tropical geometry. The class of Lorentzian polynomials contains homogeneous stable polynomials as well as volume polynomials of convex bodies and projective...